An Essay on International Yoga Day Celebration; History, Theme, Significance

Write an essay on the celebration of the International Yoga Day 2020.                                                     

Celebration of International Yoga Day 

■ History of Yoga Day

■ Theme of Yoga Day

■ Significance of Yoga Day

Essay on the International Yoga Day, 2020
Yoga is a system of holistic living which creates an auspicious sangam or holy union of our body, heart and soul. Yoga is the representative of a set of techniques and practices which was found in Indian mythology and tradition initiated by rishis or monks thousands of years ago. Swami Vivekananda sat in meditation for three days on the island rock of Kanyakumari in 1982 to discover the purpose of his life. The next ten years are history. He took the world by storm in 1983 and reintroduced yoga and inspired millions of Indians as well as Nikola Tesla, Leo Tolstoy, Annie Besant etc. Today in our fast moving modern world, we rarely have a time to take a deep breath and get calm down. Modern life has chained us to the trail of anxiety and stress. Stress is deteriorating our mental and physical health. In this respect, yoga can come out as beneficial for liberating ourselves from everyday stress and anxiety. Regular practice of yoga can improve psychological well-being and quality of life. Yoga Asanas, Breathing exercises or Pranayama, Meditation etc. are some of the techniques and practices of yoga which help us in relieving stress and fatigue, tone up our muscles, circulate vital fluids and blood smoothly, expell the toxins effectively and bring calmness, peace of mind. So great are the values that yoga has now attracted the global attention. On 27th September, 2014 during his speech at the UN General Assembly, the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi suggested a day to celebrate and practice yoga internationally. On 11th December, 2014 the UN declared 21st June as the International Yoga Day recognising its universal appeal.

The 6th edition of the International Day of Yoga is being celebrated on digital media platforms on 21st June, 2020 keeping in view of the recent pandemic outbreak of novel Coronavirus. In this perspective, the social distancing rules have been followed by the people who come together in small groups and perform asanas and pranayama. In many places people took part in the event through digital media and connected with others to perform yoga  in online sessions. This year the International Day of Yoga marked the theme of “Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family.” Addressing the nation on this occasion, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed on the importance of yoga to combat against the COVID-19. He said, “The pranayamas help in building immunity and resolving respiratory illnesses.” Inspired by yoga, Indo-Tibetan Border Police personnel in Ladakh were seen performing yoga at an altitude of 18000 feet. Not only in India, but thousands of yoga enthusiasts in global countries and in USA were seen to try out the techniques of asanas from the safety of their homes.

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