Boro Asha Kore Guitar Tabs

“Boro asha kore asechi go kache dake lau” is a beautiful Rabindra Sangeet. It can be played beautifully in guitar instrument. The song boro asha kore…. can be played in C Major Scale in guitar instrument. Here is the video of the song played in guitar.
Boro Asha Kore Guitar Tabs
Click on the play button to get the idea how to play it.

Here is the guitar tabs of the song Boro Asha Kore Asechi Go….. for the beginners.
e — First String
B — Second String
G — Third String
D — Fourth String
Part -A
Fret No
B/- ——–5—5–5-6-5—5—8—6—5——————5—-
G/- 5—7——————7——————7—5—5—7—–5
Boro asha kore asechi go kache deke lau
B/- ————-8—6—5—
G/- 5—5—7————–7-
D/- –7———————–
Firaona janani
(Repeat the Part -A)
Part -B
e/- —-5—7—8———–
B/- 8————–8—6—5
Dinhiane kaho chahena
B/- —-5———————————5———
G/- 7——5—7—5—4——4—5—–7—5-
D/- ————————–7———————
Tumi tare rakhibe jani go
(Repeat the Part- B)
Part -C
e/- ——————————5————————————-
B/- —5—5—8—6—5———————————————
G/- 5—7——————7——-5—4—-4—7—5—4—–4–
D/- —————————————–7——————-7—-5-
Ar amije kichu chahene choronotole bosethakibo
e/- —————————–5—7—5——5—10—8—7—5-
B/- —5—5—8—6—5——————8————————-8
G/- 5—-7—————–7——————————————–
Ar amije kichu chahene janani bole sudhudakibo
e/- 5—7—8————–5—7———————-5-
B/- ————8—7—8———8—6—5————
G/- ———————————————7—7—-
Tumina rakhile griho ar pibo kothay
B/- 8—6—5——————————-5——–
G/- ————-7—5—4——4——7—–7—5-
D/- ————————–7——7——————
Kende kende kotha bariabo
B/- ————5—8—6—5——————-
G/- —5—7———————7—5—4—-
D/- 5——————————————-7-
Oi je heri tomoso ghono ghora
e/- 5———————-
B/- —-8—6—5——–
G/- —————–7—5-
Ghono rajani
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