Career Opportunities in Botany: A Comprehensive Guide on Career in Botany

What are the Career Opportunities in Botany

What is Botany

Botany is one of the key subjects of Life Sciences. Botany is the branch of biological subject that deals with the scientific and systematic study of plants along with their growth and development, chemical components, genetics, ecology and their utilities etc.

History of Botany

Botany is considered as one of the oldest natural sciences that is found in the life of ancient saints and in some ancient manuscripts. Initially, plant-like organisms such as algae, lichens, ferns, fungi, mosses were included along with actual plants, but later on bacteria, algae, fungi were differentiated and were included into different kingdom.

Theophrastus is called the “Father of Botany”. We find the different characteristics and nature of plants, their growth and development, uses of different plants in his book, “Enquiry into Plants”. With the advancement of biotechnology and scientific tolls like microscope, sensor and scanning mechanism, scientists have achieved remarkable information on plant behaviorism, plant structure, genetic inheritance, psychology of plants etc. These have made a revolution in the growth of development of crop production and environmental health.  

Why You Should Study Botany

Production of Food for Increasing Population:

It is quite understandable the population of country is increasing in rapid form. To compliance with the increasing population it is very utmost need to provide foods for the people of country. To meet demand with success, our farmers, botanist, agriculture engineers are working constantly.  

career opportunities in botany

The quench thirst of one of the fundamental needs like food, the particular branch of biological science has been working constantly is botany. So, it very understandable need to study botany not only for oneself but for sake of the population of country.

Human Nutrition:

In the branch of botany, the production of food from plants and vegetables as well as the growth and development of plants are studied and discussed. In reality most food comes directly or indirectly from plants. Plants are the key base of nearly all food-chains because they use the energy from the sun and nutrients from the soil and atmosphere to make food through the process of photosynthesis.  

Botanists also study weeds, undesirable plants, especially ones that grow profusely where they are not wanted. Weeds are a considerable problem in agriculture, and botany provides some of the basic science used to understand how to minimize ‘weed’ impact in agriculture and native ecosystems.

Source of Medicine:

Plants have been a source of medicine as well since the ancient time. Plants have been used to treat illness, some of these plants are key ingredients in some essential medicine. Examples are Digitalis purpurea – purple foxglove from which a chemical called digitalin, a cardiac glycoside can be extracted isa cardio tonic that helps to control heart rate. Cinchona tree – an essential discovery for the extract of quinine, an anti-malaria drug agent.

Biology expanded greatly in the 19th century and this trend continued at an accelerated pace in the 20th century where topics included the study of the plant structure, growth and differentiation, reproduction, biochemistry and primary metabolism, chemical products, development, diseases, evolutionary relationship, plant taxonomy etc.

career opportunities in botany

The dominant themes in 21st century about plant science are molecular genetics and epigenetic, which are the mechanisms and control of gene expression during differentiation of plant cells and tissues.

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Courses in Botany

B. Sc. in Botany, M. Sc. in Botany courses are offered by various Universities or Institutions in India as well as foreign countries. After completing graduation, one can chose for postgraduate level study in the same field. Doctorate level education is also offered in Botany.

To get admission into B. Sc. Botany , a pass in 10+2 with science stream including Biology as a mainstream subject is required, while for the postgraduate course, students must have passed graduation in the same field.

Bachelor of Science in Botany:

This is three years honours degree programme after 10+2 with biology as a main subject which is offered in some selected Colleges/ Universities having well developed infrastructure of laboratories, herbarium and botanical garden.

Master in Science in Botany:

This two years graduate degree program generally requires a dissertation or research report, regardless of whether a student plans to advance to a Ph. D. degree programme. Generally, for the course of M. Sc. the whole kingdom of plants and its metabolism comes under the study of this course.

In order to get admission to M. Sc. in Botany, one must complete the three years honours degree in Botany.

Branches of Botany:

  • Plant Ecology: It is the branch of Botany where the interaction between plants and environment are studied.
  • Plant Physiology: Plant Physiology is the branch of Botany where the students can get knowledge and information on crop production, reaction of pesticides, plant structure, soil fertility etc.
  • Plant Taxonomy: The study of existing and new species of plants and their adaptation of the conditions of different regions.
  • Plant Anatomy: It is a plant science based on molecular genetics and epigenetic which are mechanisms and control of gene expression during differentiation of plant cells and tissues.
  • Plant Pathology: Plant pathology helps to analyze the causes of plant diseases and prevention of plant diseases.
  • Horticulture: Horticulture is the care for and cultivation or development of plants such as flowers or trees intended for mostly beautification.
  • Economic Botany: Here the importance is given on financial values of plants or trees in respect of the uses in agriculture, medicines and industrial sector.

Status of Universities in India

There are total near about 935 number of Universities in India out of which 50 Central Universities; 409 State Universities; 127 Deemed to be Universities and 349 Private Universities. The Colleges/ Universities having well established Botanical Garden are offering the B. Sc, M. Sc, M. Phil and Ph. D degree programme in Botany.

Few Universities have been selected by the University Grant Commission under the Scheme of University with Potential for Excellence in Bio Sciences and related fields as mentioned below:

Government Institutions

NoName of the University/ InstitutionsFocus Subject
1Banaras Hindu University, VaranasiGenomic and Proteomics
2Jawaharlal Nehru University, New DelhiGenetics, Genomics and Biotechnology
3Madurai Kamraj University, Tamil NaduNano Science in Biology
4North Eastern Hill UniversityBio-Sciences
5Pune University, PuneBio-Chemistry & Bio-Technology
6University of Calcutta, KolkataModern Biology
7University of Madras, Tamil NaduHerbal Science
8University of Mumbai, MumbaiGreen Technology

Private Institutions

NoName of Institutes
1Mount Carmel College, Bangalore
2PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore
3Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai
4Mar Ivanios College, Nalanchira
5Sir Parashurambhau College, Pune
6St. Joseph College, Bangalore
7KJ Somaiya College of Science and Commerce, Mumbai
8Fergusson College, Pune

Working Options for Botanist

Education in the field of Botany as Post Graduate and Under Graduate and Research Fellow can open the door of employment both in the Government and Private Sectors on the basis of the students’ specialization. Jobs in Botany mainly involve working with plants, medicines from plants, crop production, growth and development of plants, prevention plant diseases etc.

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Places of Work

Botanists sometimes work indoors, in laboratories or greenhouses or outdoors in farming fields, in forests or wild areas across globe. With Undergraduate and Post Graduate degrees and diplomas in Botany, one can easily get career opportunities in botany and also enter into any research and teaching institution such as:

Botanical Survey of India (BSI), National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), National Institute of Biologicals (NIB) etc. as botanical assistant, scientific assistant, preservation assistant, research assistant, field man, herbarium keeper or related jobs etc.

One can serve as Curator, Superintendent, Botanist, Taxonomist, Agronomist, Ecologist, Plant Breeder, Horticulturists, Biophysicists or scientists in botanical garden, research institutions, field sections etc.

Career Opportunities in Botany

Botany Graduate and Post Graduate in Botany can have wide range of career options in Government and Private Companies working in Agricultural Companies, Agricultural Research Institute, Environmental and Conservation Organizations, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies, Food Production Companies, Botanical Gardens etc. Following are some most popular career opportunities in botany


An industrial ecologists are the scientists who work with factories and other industrial sites to help them use resources more efficiently and prevent damage to surrounding ecosystems. Ecologists also take samples to manage fragile ecosystems and assess the natural habitats and natural resources of plants. They also help to find more environmentally better ways of harvesting resources, such as replanting areas that have been deforested. To work in the field as ecologist, master degree in botany is mostly preferred. Industrial ecologists are also considered as environmental scientists.

Plant Scientists:

Plant scientists in agriculture use their knowledge of botany to increase crop yields, achieve greater production, minimize waste or fight pests that reduce yield. A plant scientist also develop a new means of ensuring soil to remain fertile by alternating different crops, using less damaging pesticides.

Environment Conserver:

Environment Conserver studies soil and water to determine hazardous elements in soil and water and find ways to reduce hazardous materials to secure environment safety. Planting trees to prevent erosion of soil might help to sustain land or to prevent underground aquifers from running dry are some of major works of Environment Conserver.


Horticulturists take care to improve plant and crop quality. They use their vast botanical knowledge to grow plans such as flowers or trees which are only intended for beautification. They may also focus on how different plants react when grow in proximity to one another. Techniques and breeds developed by horticultures can be used widely in agriculture.


A Biologist use their extensive knowledge to identify different biological traits of plants, their uses, weather effect on plants, finding solutions of protecting wildlife and also separate edible and non-edible plants. Biologists also analysis plants to see if they spread diseases or causes harm to environment and develop biological products like foods, medicines, cosmetics, herbs and ayurvedic cures etc.


The sole duty of foresters to keep the natural environment of forest as well as the conserve the habitat of wild animals. Their work include tracking of animals, restoration of biological balance, keeping record of forest trees, focusing on plantations etc.

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