Complaint letter about garbage problem in your locality

In this article we will know —

How to write complaint letter to the Chairman of Municipality about the irregular cleaning of garbage in your locality. 

This is a sample complaint letter to the local authority of your area about the irregular cleaning of garbage and the problem faced by the people of your locality. 


The Chairman Uluberia Municipality 

Uluberia, Howrah 

Sub: Irregular Garbage Cleaning in Locality


On behalf of the people of our locality, I wish to draw your kind attention to a serious problem of irregular clearance of garbage and cleaning of way-side drains and serious health hazard faced by the people of our locality. 

For the last few months, specially in the months of monsoon, the whole area has been infested with flies and mosquitoes, causing a great hardship to the people of locality. Moreover, it causes a serious health hazard for the people in general and the children in particular.

In this connection let me point out that the way-side drains are not cleaned regularly. As a result, the drains get choked and waterlogged. The situation is getting worse when the garbages are left accumulated for a long time. The area has become the breeding ground of mosquitoes and such insects. As a result, dengue has taken the form of epidemic in recent times. 

     I, therefore, request you to take proper steps for regular clearance of garbage and cleaning of the drains. At the same time, people of the locality must be inspired to join the cleaning operation. I request you to come forward with a comprehensive programme. Yours truly, Abhishek Roy

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12/A Hazra Road

Uluberia, Howrah

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