Free cataract operation notice

Write a notice on free cataract  operation  camp organised  by ABC Club.

ABC Club



No     sub Free Cataract Operation Camp   dt:

It is hereby notified to all the members of ABC Club as well as the residents of the locality that our club has made an arrangement with the Health Department of the State for a free cataract operation camp in the club compound from 8 am to 2 pm on 12th September, 2020. The Health Department has kindly consented to co-operate with the club by sending in a specialist team of doctors headed by the Dr. S. Ghosh, M.S. F.R.C.S. This is a one day voluntary camp to help the poor and the distressed of the locality. Operation is free of charge and the patients will be provided necessary medicines from the camp in free of cost. Willing participants may contact to the undersigned for enlisting their names on and before 10th September. Co-operation of everyone will be highly solicited.

     For further details may contact to the undersigned.

Sd/-………………………………….        Sd/- …………………………

President of the Club             Secretary of the Club

Seal & date                        Ballygunge, Kolkata-23

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