Interchange of Interrogative and Assertive Sentence, Transformation

■ How to Transform Interrogative Sentence to Assertive and Assertive to Interrogative 

Transformation of Sentences Interrogative to Assertive Rules with Examples:

Sometimes, an Interrogative Sentence is framed not to ask a question but to make an emphatic statement which indicates what the answer is expected from the question. It is very noticeable that the answer is implied in the question. It is also to be noticable that an affirmative question implies a negative statement while a negative question implies an affirmative statement. 

● Transformation of Sentences Interrogative to Assertive Examples:

(1) Interrogative:- Who does not want to be happy?

Assertive:- Everybody wants to be happy. 

(2) Interrogative:- Can I ever forget your generosity?

Assertive:- I can never forget your generosity. 

(3) Interrogative:- If you prick us, do we not bleed?

Assertive:- We bleed if you prick us.

(4) Interrogative:- What have I done to add insult to your injury?

Assertive:- I have done nothing to add insult to your injury. 

(5) Interrogative:- Why waste time in useless activities?

Assertive:- It is extremely foolish to waste time in useless activities. 

(6) Interrogative:- When can their glory fade?

Assertive:- Their glory can never fade.

(7) Interrogative:- Is there anything better than a busy life?

Assertive:- There is nothing better than a busy life.

● Transformation of Sentences Assertive to Interrogative Examples:

(1) Assertive:- Nothing exceeds like success.
Interrogative:- Does anything exceed like success?

(2) Assertive:- Everybody wants to be happy.
Interrogative:- Who does not want to be happy?

(3) Assertive:- He is a great fool.
Interrogative:- Is he not a great fool?

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(4) Assertive:- There is no use of the plan.
Interrogative:- What is the use of the plan?

(5) Assertive:- We are not born simply to eat, drink and be merry.
Interrogative:- Are we born simply to eat, drink and be merry?

(6) Assertive:- This is not the kind of dress to wear in the school.
Interrogative:- Is this the kind of dress to wear in the school?

(7) Assertive:- Mahatma Gandhi’s achievements will never fade.
Interrogative:- Will Mahatma Gandhi’s achievements ever fade?

Interrogative to Assertive Sentence Exercise:

(1) Can anyone bear such insult?

(2) Was he not a villain to do such a deed?

(3) Is there any use of this activity?

(4) Shall I ever forget those happy days?

(5) What though if we lost the match?

(6) Why waste time in idle chatting?

(7) Can anyone excel Roger Federer in Tennis?

Assertive to Interrogative Sentence Exercise:

(8) It is useless to offer money to a man who is dying.

(9) Blood is thicker than water.

(10) Nobody should trust a liar.

(11) He is not a leader fit to be followed.

(12) Nobody wants to die.

(13) Everyone knows Rabindranath.

(14) A man of sense will never do it.

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