Narration Change Rules of Exclamatory and Optative Sentence

Rules of Narration Change of Exclamatory Sentence with Examples 

While converting Exclamatory Sentence from Direct to Indirect Speech, the following rules have to be observed:

Rule 1

●(i) In Exclamatory Sentence, the Reporting Verb is changed into exclaim in joy/sorrow/anger/wonder/fear etc. regret, applaud, swear, shout, confess, express sympathy/disgust etc. according to the sense.

Rule 2

●(ii) The Exclamatory Sentence is turned into Assertive Sentence and the linker ‘that‘ is used in the Indirect Speech.

Rule 3

●(iii) If the Exclamatory Sentence begins with ‘what’ or ‘how‘ to denote extreme emotion, it becomes ‘great’ or ‘very‘ according to the sense.

Examples of Narration Change of Exclamatory Sentence:

(1) Direct:- “Pooh”,said the teacher, “How dirty the dress is!”

Indirect:- The teacher exclaimed with disgust that the dress was very dirty.

(2) Direct:- He said, “Hurrah! I have stood first in the exam.” “Congratulations”, said I.

Indirect:- He exclaimed with joy that he had stood first in the exam. I congratulated him.

(3) Direct:- The woman said, “Help!Help!”

Indirect:- The woman shouted for help.

(4) Direct:- He said, “Alas! How foolish is your acting.”

Indirect:- He exclaimed with sorrow that his acting was very foolish.

(5) Direct:- Looking at the Victoria Memorial, the foreigner said, “What an exquisitely beautiful creation!”

Indirect:- Looking at the Victoria Memorial the foreigner exclaimed in wonder that it was an exquisitely beautiful creation.

(6) Direct:- The coach said to the players, “Bravo! You have played very well.”

Indirect:- The coach applauded the players that they had played very well.

(7) Direct:- The old man said to me, “Good-bye, my friends!”

Indirect:- Addressing me friend, the old man bade good-bye to me.

(8) Direct:- He said, “By God! What a good painting.”

Indirect:- He swore by God that it was a very good painting.

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(9) Direct:- Robinbabu said, “What a pity, you could not succeed in spite of great efforts!”

Indirect:- Robinbabu exclaimed with regret that he could not succeed in spite of great efforts.

(10) Direct:- The boys said, “How happy we are here!”

Indirect:- The boys exclaimed with joy that they were very happy there.

Narration Change Exercise of Exclamatory Sentence 

(1) My friends said, “What a nice movie it was!”

(2) He said to me, “What a stupid fellow you are!”

(3) The frogs said, “How cruel the boys are!”

(4) The followers said, “Alas! Her song will not be heard again.”

(5) They said, “Alas! We have lost our way.”

(6) He said, “What a pity! I could not come in time.”

(7) The boys said, “”Hurrah! We have reached the hill station.”

(8) He said to them, “Bravo! You have done well.”

(9) He said, “By God! What a good news.”

(10) The officer said to the soldiers, “Goodbye!”

Rules of Narration Change of Optative Sentence 

While converting the Optative Sentence from Direct to Indirect Speech, the following rules have to be observed:

Rule 1

●(i) In the case of Optative, the Reporting Verb is changed into wish/pray/long for/yearn/earnestly desire etc.

Rule 2

●(ii) The Optative Sentence is changed into Assertive Sentence and linker that is used in the Indirect Speech.

Rule 3

●(iii) In the Indirect Speech ‘may‘ is changed into ‘might‘.

Examples of Narration Change of Optative Sentence:

(1) Direct:– Mother said to me, “May you prosper in life.”

Indirect:- Mother wished me that I might prosper in life.

(2) Direct:- The old man said to me, “May God bless you.”

Indirect:- The old man prayed that God might bless me.

(3) Direct:- The followers said, “Long live our leader.”

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Indirect:- The followers wished that their leader might live long.

(4) Direct:- The girl said, “Could I but get the wings of bird.”

Indirect:- The girl wished that she could but get the wings of bird.

(5) Direct:- I said to my friend, “May your father recover soon.”

Indirect:- I wished my friend that his father might recover soon.

(6) Direct:- The boy said, “Oh, if I could get the first prize.”

Indirect:- The boy wished that he could get the first prize.

(7) Direct:- Nita said to teacher, “Good morning, Sir.”

Indirect:- Nita respectfully wished/greeted her teacher good morning.

(8) Direct:- Rahul said to me, “Would that you were with us in the picnic.”

Indirect:- Rahul wished that I had been with them in the picnic.

(9) Direct:- He said, “O, for a cup of tea”

Indirect:- He wished for a cup of tea.

(10) Direct:- The leader said, “Long live democracy.”

Indirect:- The leader wished that democracy might live long.

Narration Change Exercise of Optative Sentence:

(1) We said, “May his soul rest in peace.”

(2) The girl said to her mother, “Good morning. “

(3) Mother said, “May your dreams come true. “

(4) The teacher said to the student, “May you prosper as much as you like.”

(5) He said to me, “Happy Birthday.”

(6) The girl said, “Oh, had I the wings of a butterfly.”

(7) Mr. Bose said to his brother, “Welcome home.”

(8) My friend said,  “May your mother recover soon from illness.”

(9) The girl said, “May God grant my prayer.”

(10) She said, “Would that I could relieve my childhood.”

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