Non Finite Verbs Examples
Non-finite Verbs with Examples Definition Types
The article contains —
■ What are Non-finite Verbs
■ Non-finite Verbs Types
■ What is Infinitive
■ What is Gerund
■ What is Participle
What are Non-finite Verbs:
The verbs which are not limited by number and person of their subject or time and retain the same form are called Non-finite Verbs or Verbals.
What are the types of Non-finite Verbs:
There are three types of Non-finites:
Classification of Non-finites

A) What is Infinitive:
The Infinitive is the present form of verb, often preceded by ‘to‘. It is also referred as to+Verb. It can be used both with or without to.
Classification of Infinitive:

What are the types of Infinitive:
1) Simple Infinitive: The Simple Infinitive (Noun) does the work of a Noun.
●To love man is to love God. (as the subject of verb)
●To err is human. (as the subject of verb)
●I did not mean to hurt him. (as the object of verb)
●His main purpose is to sleep. (as the complement of verb)
●The programme is about to begin. (as the object of preposition)
2) Gerundial Infinitive (Modifying):
The Gerundial Infinitive or Modifying Infinitive does the work of Adverb or an Adjective.
●Vidyasagar went to see his mother. (qualifying verb)
●He is not fit to do the work. (qualifying an adjective)
Split Infinitive:
Split Infinitive is the syntactic habit of placing an Adverb between to and a Verb in an infinitival structure.
●This will enable them to successfully compete with others.
B) What is Participle:
A Participle is that form of the verb which partakes of the nature both of a Verb and of an Adjective. There are three types of Participle
. Classification of Participle:

What are the types of Participle:
1) Present Participle:
The Present Participle is formed by adding ‘ing‘ to the base form of a Verb and represents an action as going on or incomplete or imperfect.
●Hearing the noise the boy woke up.
●Loudly knocking at the gate, the boy ran away.
2) Past Participle:
The Past Participle is formed by adding ed, en, d, t, or n to the base of form of a Verb and indicates an action already completed. It is usually used in the passive voice.
●Driven by hunger the man stole a piece of bread.
3) Perfect Participle:
The Perfect Participle is formed by prefixing ‘having‘ to the past participle of the verb and it represents an action as completed at some past time.
●Having rested we continued our journey.
●The work having been done, we went to home.
C) What is Gerund:
Gerund: A Gerund is that form of Verb which ends in
ing, and has the force of a Noun and a Verb.
●Seeing is believing. (subject of a verb)
●I like reading poetry. (object of a verb)
●He is fond of swimming. (object of a preposition)

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