Paragraph on Global Warming its Effects Causes Solution

Write a Paragraph on Global Warming

Global Warming its causes effects and solutions 

The unusual rise of average temperature of the earth is called global warming. The erratic climatic behaviour has been attributed to the phenomenon of global warming. It has been observed that temperatures all over the world are constantly rising.

It is the result of the excessive release of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Some of the gases included in this category are Carbon dioxide, Methane, Sulphur dioxide, Nitrous oxide which are known to be highly toxic. The amount of these gases in the atmosphere is increasing day by day due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and natural gases.

Most of these gases are caused by the industrial activity and excessive use of vehicles in various developed and developing countries. These greenhouse gases act as a blanket and trap the heat released from the earth. So, the average temperature of the earth goes up and causes global warming.

It directly leads to climate change of the world. Scientists have already predicted that the average temperature of the earth will rise from 1.5°c to 5.8°c by the year 2100. It will be a direct threat to our eco-system. As a result, monsoon rains will become extremely destructive while winter rains in the Himalayan regions will become scanty.

It will be threatening to know that a large part of ice caps and glaciers of the polar regions will disappear in the next three decades. As a result, many coastal areas and islands will be submerged under water. Many species of animals like polar bears, penguins, snow leopards will face extinction.

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To prevent these hazards measures should be taken before situation goes out of control. More tress should be planted because trees and plants absorb the greenhouse gases. Anti-pollution scientific methods like solar and wind energy should be used so that toxic gases are not released from factories.

In 1992 the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, the UNO had adopted some resolutions to stabilize the greenhouse gases considering the constant rising of these gases due to the industrial revolution started in the nineteenth century.

In 1997, an international agreement was negotiated in Kyoto, Japan, under which industrialized countries were supposed to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. But these policies have not been materialized effectively. Perhaps, the world is waiting for devastating calamity to wake up from its foolish stupor.

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