Seven Jars of Gold Story with Moral

Read the story on Seven Jars of Gold. It is a spiritual story with a valuable moral at the end.

Seven Jars of Gold Story with Moral

Once a barbar was Passing under a tree. He heard a voice saying, “Would you like to have seven jars of gold?” The barbar round and saw nothing. At first he hesitated to answer. Then his greed was aroused. He shouted eagerly, “Yes, I surely would”. The voice said, “Then go home at once and you will find them there.”

The barbar ran all the way to home. Sure enough, there were seven jars. They were all full of gold. But there was only one jar that was half-full. The barbar felt that he would be happier if he could fill up the jar.

He had all the jewellery of his family melted into coins. He started to fill the jar with the coins. But the jar remained half-filled as before. So he felt restless. He starved himself and his family. He gained more and more gold coins and put them into the jar. But the jar remained half-filled. 

One day he visited the king who was his master. He pleaded the king, “Maharaj, please double my salary. His prayer was granted. In this way he continued to fill his jar. He even took to begging. The jar took each piece of gold that was put into it. But the jar refused to fill. 

The king saw that the barbar looked starved and unhappy. The king asked, ” What is wrong with you? You used to be happy when your salary was smaller. Now it has been doubled but you looked dejected. Have you been given the seven jars of gold?” The barbar was surprised. The king chuckled and said, “These are clearly the symptoms of the person whom the ghost has given the seven jars of gold.

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The ghost once offered them to me. I asked the ghost if the money could be spent for a good cause or was only to be hoarded. The ghost disappeared without a word. That money can not be spent. One can only hoard it. Go and return it to the ghost. You will be happy man again.” The barbar obeyed what the king said and became happy as before. 

Moral: Be happy with what we have. 

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