Autobiography of a Mobile Phone and a Land Phone

Autobiography of a Mobile Phone and a Land Phone

Today we are going to have autobiography of two different devices of telecommunication;

one is the autobiography of a mobile phone and the other is the autobiography of a land phone.

Now, what is autobiography?

An autobiography is the mean in which the speaker speaks about his own self. The speaker is here may be living or non-living object. But it is very interesting to note that non-living object is being personified with all its feelings of a human.

How to write the Autobiography of Mobile Phone 

The Autobiography of a Mobile Phone

I am very happy today as I am going to speak about my own self which I always wanted to do that. First of all let me introduce myself to all. I am a modern updated mobile phone which you all might want to assume. I am Nokia X2. I am very good looking as well as strong and durable.

Even though my skin colour is black; but still many get charmed with my appearance and wish to possess me. I could remember that I was manufactured in one of the factories where many of my kind were manufactured.

     I was completely taken care of as I was the very latest phone of the time and I came to the stores with lots of rumour. I really hated that small dark shelf of the store as there were many other brands of mobile phone. They used to tease me as I was black in colour.

But nobody looked into my inner beauty. I had been waiting patiently to be opened and wanted to be in limelight so that everyone might praise my beauty. One day a couple came to the store and took me happily. They were saying to each other that their daughter would be happy to have me as her birthday gift. However, I was on my way to see who would be my sweet and lovely owner.

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Finally, the couple handed me to her daughter and she took me with overwhelming joy and happiness.  She was beautiful looking girl of 18 years.

The reason she was happy because I was her first ever cell phone. She showed me happily to all her friends for whole day. Not only that she stayed awake for the whole night to explore my all features. I am very happy to get such a sweet girl as my master who is taking care of me and I feel quite safe with her.

How to write the Autobiography of Land Phone 

      The Autobiography of a Land Phone

I think you have not forgotten me in any way. Yes, you can remember, I am your bulky land phone which once had passed a glorious path in the field of telecommunication. But it is no doubt that even in this 21st century of wi-fi generation I am evaluating myself and still becoming a part of broadband internet connection which helps my followers to get in touch with internet.

I am confident that still some palatable persons fancy to have me in their drawing room. Though sometimes I shiver with my unpredictable future but I can boast myself that I was the forerunner of latest technology of telecommunication. People have wrong notion that I often envy my latest counterpart i e. mobile or cell phone. To be honest, I have no enmity, not any jealousy with it.

I always think or consider mobile phone as a part of my family. I am comfortable with what I am. I am living in peaceful zone inside my owner’s house enjoying light, shade,  coolness contrasted with the life of a mobile phone who has to bear pollution and all  kinds of adverse atmosphere outside house.

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So, with the ray of hope and fanciful thoughts, I can say that I will remain if it is not in your home but always in your heart. As the laws of universe everything is mortal, I will be also the subject of death or decay or may be I will emerge myself as a better form or with better alternative for you, my followers.

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