The Snail Poem Questions Answers Analysis : 20 Important The Snail Poem Questions Answers

The Snail Poem Questions Answers Analysis

Here is the detailed study of the poem, “The Snail” by William Cowper. In this article, we will discuss and analysis the every line of the poem, The Snail and will try to understand the meaning and explanation and The Snail Poem Questions Answers Analysis. Click on Play button of the video below. Let’s start…….

The Snail Poem Questions Answers Analysis

The Snail Poem Questions Answers Analysis (1 -5)

1) How does the snail stick to its place?

Ans:- The snail sticks to its place like grass, leaf, fruit or wall very closely without fear of falling down.

2) How does the snail grow?

Ans:- The snail grows both its body and also with its outer shell which is considered to be its house. So, they grow simultaneously.

3) How does the poet show the self-confidence or brave character of the snail?

Ans:- The poet shows the brave character and confidence of the snail as it sticks closely when it moves on grass, leaf, fruit, wall without fear of falling down.

4) Where does the snail securely hide and when it feels any kind of danger?

Ans:- The snail securely hides itself under its shell which is considered to be its house.

The snail securely hides itself when it senses any kind of danger may be caused by weather or other things besides of weather.

5) What does the word mean by ”self-collecting power”?

Ans:- The snail has a very powerful sensitivity which acts as a great power to help it senses any kind of danger. Even at the very slightest touch, it feels the warning of a danger and hides into the shell. Its nature of not taking any kind of risk can be called “self-collecting power”.

The Snail Poem Questions Answers Analysis (6- 10)

6) How does the snail shrink into the house in time of danger?

Ans:- The snail shrinks into its outer shell which is considered to be its house with much displeasure at the time of danger.

7) Where does the snail dwell and how does it dwell?

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Ans:- The snail dwells almost anywhere in the places wherever it likes. But it dwells alone with a self-satisfied life.

8) How does the snail feel satisfied with its life and why does it feel so?

Ans:- The snail is well satisfied with its life only with its own whole treasure. The snail leads a lonely and self-sufficient life like a hermit. 

9) What makes the snail well-satisfied? 

Ans: The self-sufficient nature of the snail with no want for so much things makes the snail well-satisfied. 

10) With what does the snail live? 

Ans: The snail lives with no other but his personal belongings, which is his shell-house. 

The Snail Poem Questions Answers Analysis (11 -15)

11) What kinds of danger does the snail face? 

Ans: The snail not only faces the danger of weather but also of storms and other kinds of danger. 

12) What kind of treasure does the snail have? 

Ans: The snail does not have much treasures but the snail is quite satisfied with its personal belongings like its outer shell. 

13) Why does the poet refer to the snail as “well-satisfied”? 

Ans: The snail prefers to live alone. He has no such belongings that may cause any concern. He is self-possessed and self-content. He lives like a hermit. So he is well-satisfied. 

14) Give in brief the life and nature of the snail. 

Ans: The snail is a simple, innocent creature. He sticks to anything and does not fear to fall. He moves along with his house and keeps alert against any danger. He shrinks into his house at the slightest touch of his sensitive antenna. He lives like the hermit well satisfied with his own self. 

15) What do you mean by the ‘house of snail’? 

Ans: The snail does not build his house like another creature. His house is his strong outer shell born with him and carried with him wherever he moves. 

The Snail Poem Questions Answers Analysis (16 – 20)

16) What does the poet mean to say by – “his own hole treasure’?

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Ans: By the expression ‘his own hole treasure’, the poet means to say of the snail’s treasure of being content with whatever it has, its own self.

17) What are the snail’s chattels?

Ans: The snail has no chattels other than his own house where he lives alone and happily.

18) What is the moral of the poem “The Snail”?

Ans: The poem, “The Snail” suggests that we should gladly accept what we have in life. We should lead our lives like the self-contented life of life. We ought to be happy with our own possessions.

19) Why does the snail need to carry his house with him?

Ans: The house of the snail which is the outer cell is attached to its body. It also grows with him. Moreover, it saves him from danger. So, the snail carries his house with him.

20) Is the snail well-satisfied? If so, why?

Ans: The snail is satisfied with his life because lives a life like hermit who demands nothing. He lives alone and does need any partner or banquet in life. So the snail well satisfied.

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