How to Become an Air Hostess
Glob trotting, world class comforts, handsome pay packages are the dreams of many. Job of the flight attendant or air hostess gives you an opportunity to explore the world while building up a lucrative career with all the glamour and glitz.
A team of flight attendants on board consists of young men as flight pursuers and young women as air hostess to assist the travellers. Flight attendants or air hostess are the face of an airline as they directly deal with passengers. They can either make or break the reputation of an airline. Their job starts much before the arrival of passengers and ends up much later after the landing.
Importance of Air Hostess
Apart from the glamour and attractive pay and perks, a lot of hard work goes into it. Air hostess or flight attendants have to be on duty throughout the duration of the flight. They are the first ones who welcome the passengers. Their welcoming smile and greetings give a sense of importance to all the passengers.
Moreover, they help the passengers to settle down properly, coordinate security personnel, serve meals, take adequate emergency measures, make announcements about weather and places and looks after the sick and travel prone people. Besides, they do every bit to make the journey comfortable and memorable for passengers.

Who is Flight Pursuers or Stewards:
The moment we utter the word “Air Hostess” the image of a well-mannered and well-dressed lady greeting passengers often comes to our mind. The fact demonstrates that the field is dominated by females but it holds a special place for males too. In fact, the first flight attendant of the world was a male.
The term used for male counterpart of an air hostess is “Flight Pursuer” or “Air Steward”. Their work profile is identical to that of an air hostess. They check the cargo, keep an account of seats, handle duty free items and serve drinks on board, collect money and help the hostess to perform their duties efficiently.
As the demand for the brightest brains and fresh faces is increasing, competition in this field is also becoming tough. So, it is crucial to know the means and skills about how to become an airhostess. This article will definitely give you a complete guide on how to become an air hostess.
History of the job of Flight Attendant or Air Hostess:
The need for having flight attendants on board was realized in 1920, seventeenth years after the invention of aircraft. It stemmed from the idea of providing comfortable and world class air journey. Initially, the flight attendants, known as “couriers” were often from the families of the owners of the airlines. But they were not found efficient in their service and then it became the responsibility of co-pilot to take care of the passengers.
With the growth of the industry and increasing passenger traffic, it became necessary to have a flight attendant who could take care of the needs and comfort of the passengers. In 1929, perhaps the first flight attendant on the world scene was hired by Western airlines in USA. He was given the responsibility of serving eatables and drinks to the passengers as well as taking good care of them.
But soon the job of the flight attendant widened up. Apart from serving and providing every comfort, their job profiles were extended to create a multiplier effect to attract more and more passengers.
A shift took place when qualified nurses, called “Stewardesses” were hired by airlines, who could also treat patients in the aircraft. They were also given the charge of serving drinks and food to the passengers.
During the Second World war most of the nurses quit their job to join military service and it was realized that anybody having good knowledge of first aid and customer serving skills can join airlines as stewardess. But nurses shifted the focus towards female flight attendant, narrowing down opportunities for males.
In India, the history of stewardess is not as complex as it was in European and American nations. Air travel started in India even before Independence but the tradition of hiring stewardess became popular only after Independence with the landing up of Tata Airlines, Bharat Airlines and Indian National Airways. Unlike the western nations, where the concept of male flight attendants is now catching up, India is still roaming with female flight attendants.
Challenges in Air Hostess Job
If you are dreaming to shape up your career as an Air Hostess, it is crucial for you to know the reality behind this glorious field. Most of the men and women who are lured by the glamour factor of this job with high pay and perks should know [that tremendous hard work and erratic hours go along with the job.
An Air Hostess has to work round the clock. Generally, flying time spent by an Air Hostess is 75-85 hours per week. In addition, he/she has to work for more than 100 hours (in a month) on ground. The total working hour of a flight attendant totals more than 200 hours a month. In present times, when airlines have embarked upon the next generation flight attendants, working hours of a flight attendant are also increasing.
Remember most responsibilities comes with every attractive job. If you are joining the profession just for visiting the exotic places on the globe or just for getting the world class comforts, then this profession is not meant for you. From performing the most convenient deed that is to serve meals and beverages, taking care of sitting arrangements to the most daunting one that is to ensure safety of the passengers and coping up with the crisis situation such as terrorist attacks or emergency landings, be ready for new challenges that come every minute, as anything can happen anytime and you have to be prepared in advance for such an emergent situation.
Now-a-days, air hostess or flight attendants are given special training to tackle hijack situation as aircrafts are not free from possibilities of hijacking and terrorist attacks.
Another down side is that the working conditions for an air hostess are very tiring. It will take you a long time to get used to the situation. Imagine, when all the passengers in the board are asleep and lights are dimmed, it will be difficult for anybody to walk in the aisle of an aircraft. But the air hostess has to keep his or her senses alert throughout the journey.
Sometimes, you can have a night flight today and tomorrow you might have an evening flight. The day after tomorrow you could again have a night flight. You have to make your body and mind flexible as working in tight schedule is a part of the job. Good sleep before a long flight is the only solution.
Flight attendants have rare distinction of celebrating festivals in the sky. Flight attendants have to fly as airlines are the busiest during festive seasons and getting leave is next to impossible. But most of the airlines have a lot in their box during festival seasons.
Job of Flight Attendant or Air Hostess
Air Hostess performs an extremely important function in the operation of an airline. At least one hour before the flight, an Air Hostess has to report to In-flight operations where she is briefed by senior flight attendant about the duration of the flight, meal service, reviewing emergency measures, weather conditions or for any other important instruction for that particular flight. These briefings also involve some important decisions, like who will work in business class or who will fly in economy class. Generally, freshers are allocated the economy class.
On boarding, the aircraft, their actual job starts. It begins with the safety checks to ensure whether all the safety devices are in place, taking count of every small device. Air hostess also [keeps ready all the comfort elements like eatables, blankets, pillows, magazines, plates, napkins, medicines etc. Besides, they have to make sure whether the washrooms and cabins are properly cleaned.
She welcomes the passengers when they step into the aircraft. Their smiling face and whimsy wishes not only change the mood of passengers but also give them a sense of dignity. They help the passengers to settle down properly. Special care and directions are given to disabled and elderly people. She also helps them to place their luggage and other valuables. Before flying, they ensure that all the passengers have fastened their seat belts and luggage is in place.
When aircraft picks up the runway, flight attendant makes important announcements regarding weather conditions, meal service, specific rules and regulation that passengers have to follow. On plane, an air hostess has to serve meals, beverages and drinks and distribute free gift items, if airline has any such offer.

Aircraft generally flies in the high altitudes where oxygen level is lower. It becomes the responsibility of an Air Hostess to pump up oxygen in aircraft. Giving special care to heart patients, air travel prone people and children.
After aircraft approaches its destination, they tally the money collected by sale of duty-free items on the board. They also have to write a report if they opened the first aid box or gave some medicines to any passenger. In addition, they have to mention about any lost item during flight or in an emergency equipment is malfunctioning.
Their job does not end here. They have to keep all the items in the proper place again. Checking cleanliness arrangements and ensuring the proper functioning of emergency equipment also comes under their working domain.
Pay and Perks of Air Hostess:
Average salary of an Air Hostess or Flight Attendants ranges between Rs 2,50,000 to 6,00,000 approx per annum. These figures may vary from airline to airline. Salary of a fresher flight attendant could be even less than above stated figures but these would climb up, depending upon experience and performance.
However, there are opportunities of promotion to the rank of Senior Hostess/Steward, Cabin Supervisors, Training Manager as well as to the Senior Administrative positions. Experience is duly rewarded.
If you are working in international airlines, your salary could be equal to what a pilot gets after a flight in India as flight attendants working in international airlines, generally get daily allowance in the currency of the respective country. This allowance is much more higher than Indian allowance.
Besides this, flight attendants enjoy lucrative perks too. These include free or discounted air tickets for themselves and their families, their medical insurance, paid sick leave, several bonuses and post-retirement benefits. The airlines also pay for their hotel stay, transport, free beverages and on international flights, they can expect to do a fair bit of sight-seeing, shopping and so on.
In addition, most of the airlines provide a kit allowance. It is a small monthly allowance which is meant for cleaning and mending your uniforms and grooming yourselves.
How to Become an Air Hostess
Eligibility to Become Air Hostess:
Age Limit:
In India, 18 is the minimum age requirement for a flight attendant. As laid down by DGCA, no airline in India would hire a flight attendant of less than 18. Airlines have specified the age limit as between 18-27. So far as airlines of other countries are concerned, American airlines don’t have any age restrictions and in the European airlines, maximum age for a flight attendant is 35 years.
Educational Background:
10+2 equivalent or graduates are eligible to apply for air hostess training programme. Candidates holding diploma/degree in Hotel Management or tourism management are preferred. Candidates who are in final year of their graduation cannot apply.
You Must Possess a Passport:
Passport is the most important document which must keep ready before applying for a job in any airlines. Sometimes, domestic airlines also demand passport but their number is very small in India. Most of the advertisements published by the airlines specify that candidates who possess valid passport are only eligible to apply. You should keep your passport ready from the time you start your training in an air hostess training school. Not having a passport is an easy way of getting yourself rejected.
Physical Standards:
- Height: According to the standards laid down by most of the national airlines, a female flight attendant must have the height of 157.5 cms and the height requirement for male flight attendant is 163 cms. These are the minimum height requirement for Indian airlines. However, it may vary from airline to airline. For instance, minimum height requirement in Indian Airlines is 5’2’’ while other airlines demand more height than that.
- Weight: Airlines want candidate’s weight to be in proportion to his/her height. Remember, airlines won’t take you even if you have one or two pounds more than that what is specified in their proportion chart. Try hard to cut the extra kilos before submitting your resume to any of the airline.
- Eyesight: Most airlines prefer normal vision or minimum uncorrected distant vision of 6/24 in each eye. Correctable to at least 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in the other eye. If you are aspiring to work as a flight attendant and wear glasses, then switch over to contact lenses as early as possible.
- Teeth: As mentioned earlier, flight attendant is the first person who welcomes the passengers with her beautiful smile. They have to keep smile on their face during the whole course of flight as it gives a sense of pleasure to the passengers. Healthy white teeth are one of the essentials of a good smile.
- Swimming: As international flights go across sea routes, swimming has become mandatory requirement in all the airlines of the world. Flight attendant should possess all the skills that can help in safeguarding the lives of passengers in any emergency situation and swimming is one of the important factors.
- Cleanliness: Good height, toned body, expensive dresses and accessories are not enough for getting a job in this field. In addition, flight attendants or Air Hostess must make a good care of their body cleanliness.
- Voice Quality: Air Hostess must have quality diction, good pace, proper pitch and be enthusiastic in speech so that listeners can easily understand all the spoken words. It is crucial that flight attendant uses good grammar, correct language and expressions.
Language Proficiency:
A flight attendant must have a good command over English language. Fluency in any other international ‘language is an added advantage but it is not mandatory in India. However, some foreign airlines make it a compulsion. Familiarity with regional languages work as an asset for flight attendants who are working in domestic airlines.
Work Experience:
Work experience always counts. You can mention your work experience or internships in call centers, hotels, travel companies or if you have worked as ground staff with any of the airlines. Never specify any false experience because interview panel will grill you about every thing mentioned in your resume.
Medical Fitness:
Flight attendants have to go through various medical fitness tests. These include eye test, blood, urine and stool test, AIDS test, Hepatitis B test, hearing ability, Chest X-ray, ECG and Ultra Sound.
Knowledge Required for Air Hostess Job:
Knowledge of First Aid:
During the training period, airlines would provide you extensive knowledge of first aid. But it is important for you to learn about basic first aid techniques before you go for an interview. First aid is the first medical assistance given to the patient in order to treat him temporarily. In other words, it is a treatment given to the patient with sources available before the arrival of any medical expert or ambulance.
It is a crucial element during flights as many passengers are air travel prone and often feel dizziness or pain in their ears, due to high pitched sound of an aircraft.
First aid kit would help you in keeping medical aid ready to handle an emergency at a moment’s notice. In addition, you must know about basic nursing like checking the pulse, injecting, bending the legs and hands in proper manner and knowledge about various antibiotic.
Flight attendant or Air Hostess must be familiar with various important medical terms, such as, CPR which is generally given to heart patients, DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) which is related to blood clot etc.
Geographical Knowledge:
Basically, geography is the study of the earth’s surface and the space in which people live. It would help you to understand the behaviour of people living in different corners of the world. Written exam conducted by most of the airlines in India consists of geographical questions an interviewers can also ask you questions on basic geography such as capitals of different countries, their locations, currency, governments etc. Studying the atlas is an excellent way to understand the various geographical concepts.
Knowledge of Safety Measures:
Once air travel was seen as risky journey but now, as airlines are giving overemphasis on safety measures, risk level has come down to a large extent. As a result, fatal airlines accident has come down significantly. This is the result of safety measures taken by Air Hostess during the flight. Now, adequate training is given to flight attendant or Air Hostess, which includes door handling, use of emergency oxygen masks, using life jackets and escape chutes.
These are the following safety measures desired to be known by the Air Hostess or flight attendant.
Emergency landing:
Pilots make decision of emergency landing whenever there is shortage of fuel, fire in aircraft, engine failure or due to bad weather or hijack. Flight attendants are first informed about the situation to make announcement and calm the passengers.
In such a situation, flight attendant must ensure that all the loose item on the board are stored properly and all the passengers are warned to take off sharp objects and passengers are asked to fasten their seat belts. In case of fire on board or engine failure, flight attendants help in immediately evacuation of passengers.
Fire on Board:
Fire on board of the aircraft, and more especially the toxic smoke generated, have been the cause of several incidents in aircraft. These fires are, generally, caused by mechanical failure or electric malfunctions. In such case, flight attendants have to take prompt action to extinguish the fire by using BCF or Halon fire extinguishers.
Turbulence is a movement in air that cannot be foreseen and can happen unexpectedly. Atmospheric pressures, jet streams, mountain waves, cold or warm fronts and thunderstorms are the major causes of turbulence. Flight attendants must recommend passengers to keep their seat belts fastened and give warning as soon as any minor turbulence occur during flight.
Depressurization or decompression refers to pumping of oxygen into the cabin of an aircraft to increase the air pressure within the cabin. It is required when an aircraft reaches high altitudes because the natural atmospheric pressure is too low at high altitudes.
It is the responsibility of flight attendants to pressurize oxygen in the cabin at high altitudes and make announcements to passengers and crew members to wear their oxygen masks. Flight attendants are also advised to sit down comfortably on their jump seats and fasten their seat belts.
It is a precautionary or forced landing of an aircraft in water. In other words, it refers to a situation when an aircraft lands on water. Sometimes, lack of fuel or engine failure forces the flight crew to make a decision to land the aircraft on water. This is the reason, airlines prefer flight attendants who can comfortably swim in deep waters. They have to work as a safeguard in such a situation and ensure the availability of life jackets, parachutes and life raft, before the aircraft spreads its wings.
Terrorist Attack or Hijack Situation:
As e have already aware of many unforgettable incidents of terrorist attack or hijack in aircraft. During such a horrific situation, flight attendants have to be vigilant enough to settle down the passengers and give them emotional support as to avoid any mishappening. Airlines always train their crew on how to handle hijacking but one must realize his/her responsibility, to be able to handle the situation.
The job of Air Hostess is a dream to them who can explore the world with responsibility, world class comforts and glamour, handsome pay packages. But airlines can carve a place for those who can possess the above mentioned physical standards as well as possess the sound knowledge mentioned above. If you think you have it and aspire to become an Air Hostess, then lets fly with good luck.
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