Important Points of Brain Drain Covered in this Article

Essay on Brain Drain
What is Brain Drain:
Our country has been producing many brilliant and meritorious students for years. But it has been found that most of them after completing their studies leave the country and go to other highly developed countries in pursuit of a lucrative career.
Therefore the best brains of the country are going away to different parts of the world. This state of affairs is termed generally as ‘Brain Drain’. Therefore our country does not get the service of those efficient persons. The country is in need of efficient professional persons.
Probable Reasons of Brain Drain:
It is true that it is not always possible to earn huge amount of money in the country. So it is natural that a person who wants to earn more automatically try to migrate to other rich countries. But service to the countrymen is also much important.
Moreover, when one is provided the necessary education here, it is expected that the said person would try to devote his energy, workmanship and efficiency towards the welfare of his own countrymen. It is also fact that the Government has to bear a large amount as educational expenses for some students in respect of their professional studies.
But those persons do not pay much attention to the woes of their fellow-countrymen and as soon as they complete their studies they go abroad in search of a proper job. It is true that one may have a broader outlook and try to become useful to people of other countries. So if persons from other parts of the world need help of our professional persons, they must extend their co-operation, but one can not neglect his own countrymen.
Brain Drain may occur in different ways. It can happen willingly or unwillingly of an individual. A person may migrate geographically from one country to another for his own interest in pursuit of better paying job. On the other hand, one may be emigrated from his service to the service of other country in accordance with job situation without the interest of individual.
Remedy of Brain Drain:
Patriotism inculcates the love for one’s countrymen in a person. The family atmosphere together with the educational environment and the society are responsible to make a person truly sensible towards the need of one’s own countrymen. The students must be provided with the moral education to make them responsible citizens.
Students must be inspired in a proper manner so that they get motivated to serve their countrymen. At the same time Government should try to make effort to create healthy and congenial atmosphere and provide them lucrative offers to work in their own country. Thus the problem of brain drain can be solved to a great extent.
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