Application to Headmaster for Leave of Absence

Suppose you had been ill for few days and could not attend your school for those days. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school seeking leave of absence for those.

In this article we will learn how to write an application to the Headmaster or Principal for seeking leave of absence for those days you did not attend your school for your ailment. 


The Headmaster ABC High School 

Diamond Harbour

Sub: Application for Begging Leave of Absence


With due respect and humble submission, I would like to inform you that I, John Ray, a student of class X, Sec-A, Roll No. 17, was unable to attend my classes from 7th December to 9th December as I had been suffering with viral fever accompanied  with cold and cough. A painful headache and weakness with fever deterred me to attend my school. 

Therefore, I pray to your kind honour to grant me leave of absence for those three days as mentioned above and obliged. 

For your kind consideration, the medical certificate confirming my words is annexed with this letter.

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Yours sincerely, 

John Ray Class-X, Sec-A, Roll No. 17

Date: 10th December 

Diamond Harbour

Suppose you will not attend your school for the purpose of attending marriage ceremony of your sister. Write an application to the Headmaster or the Principal seeking leave for three days for the purpose of attending the marriage ceremony of your sister. 

Leave Application for Marriage Ceremony

In this article, we will learn how to write an application to the Headmaster Or Principal for seeking leave of absence for the days you will not attend your school or college for the purpose of attending marriage ceremony of your sister. 


The Headmaster ABC High School Diamond Harbour

Sub: Application for Begging Leave of Absence


With due respect and humble submission, I would like to inform that I, John Ray, a student of class IX, sec-A, Roll No. 14, beg to inform you that my elder sister’s marriage ceremony falls on 21st December, this year. Therefore, I shall not be able to attend school from 21st to 23rd December as I have to attend the ceremony at home. Many works in connection with the marriage remain to be done. 

I shall remain ever thankful to you if you kindly grant me leave for those days mentioned above for the purpose of attending marriage ceremony of my elder sister. 

Yours sincerely, 

John Ray

Class-IX, Sec-A, Roll No-14

Date: 17th December 

Diamond Harbour 

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